Tajuk Bab The_Silver_Chair

  1. Behind the Gym - Di Belakang Gimnasium
  2. Jill is Given a Task - Jill Diberikan Tugas
  3. The Sailing of the King - Pelayaran Raja
  4. The Parliament of Owls - Parlimen Burung Hantu
  5. Puddleglum - Puddleglum
  6. The Wild Wastelands of the North - Dataran Liar Utara
  7. The Hill of the Strange Trenches - Bukit di Parit Aneh
  8. The House of Harfang - Rumah Harfang
  9. How They Discovered Something Worth Knowing - Mereka Menemui Suatu yang Berharga untuk Diketahui
  10. Travels without the Sun - Mengembara Tanpa Matahari
  11. In the Dark Castle - Di Istana Gelap
  12. The Queen of Underland - Permaisuri Bawah Tanah
  13. The Bottom of the World - Bawah Dunia
  14. The Disapparence of Jill - Kehilangan Jill
  15. The Healing of Harms - Penawar Kemudaratan

Filem Disney / Walden
